PAPA People Assisting Parents Association © 2007

新破陣子 (In Prison 2008)©

lyrics written by S. Luk in B.C., Canada
completed: 7:20 p.m. March 10, 2008

The lyrics reflect the atrocities created by state-sponsored child removal in Canada. It was inspired and closely mirrored the work “In Prison破陣子” of Li Yu 李煜 (937AD to 978 AD), more commonly known as 南唐李後主. Li Yu was the last monarch of the Southern Tang Kingdom (南唐) from 961 AD to 975 AD during the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms Period (五代十國) of China. He was defeated and held captive in present-day Kaifeng (開封) by an expanding kingdom that eventually united China and found the Sung Dynasty (北宋). Li Yu lacked military skills, but was talented in writing “ci” (詞). His works had earned respect from Chinese literature scholars of various eras. After repeatedly humiliated by his captor (including raping his wife), Li Yu wrote several sentimental but touchy “ci” that offended his captor. He was finally executed by poison in 978AD.

Click the media icon above to play the audio file.


渴望移民加國? 奸貪喪盡天良。
被擄兒童誰釋放? 欲罵時光太蹉跎。

骨肉歸為人虜, 悲傷哀怨悽涼。
奸侫倉惶辭廟日, 始識彈奏凱旋歌。





English Translation

Do you want to immigrate to Canada badly?
There are notorious bureaucrats and special interest groups who have lost their conscience.
Who will free children kidnapped by the government?
They lament that time goes by too fast and meaningless.
This (state-sponsored child removal) never enriches families or strengthens a country!

Parents with children kidnapped are sad, resentful and miserable.
Only when evil bureaucrats are abruptly deposed, the song of triumph will be played.
May God send blessing and give us peace.



[This page was added on March 15, 2008, last revised March 10, 2011.]